Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Daughter.....

I was reading a passage out of "Fields of Gold" on contentment to Haleigh tonight, and we got on the subject of  1 ARK  which is one act of random kindness. She told me that she does that almost everyday at school, and how there is this boy whose family life is well... let's just say that he never wants to be at home because of the hateful things that are said to him, things that as a parent, I would never imagine saying or even thinking these things. Haleigh told me that because of his "home life", he doesn't have much money, and that on several occasions she has bought his lunch. She said "Heck! He's happy if you give him a cheese stick!" I told her that if her lunch money "goes" quickly because she's helping others and seeing to it that this kid, or even someone else, has had at least one meal that day, then I'll give as much as I need to!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family, Haleigh never ceases to amaze me, just when I think she's sittin back doin nothin... I find to my surprise, she's been doing "something" all along.
                  "They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor." Psalm 112:9