Friday, November 12, 2010

just some thoughts....

Today my family will bury my Grandmother, Frances Prosser. And as I sit here at 4:30am, I'm not crying, but at peace because I know that she is with our most gracious Lord. I pray that the feuds in our family will cease, and that peace will flow in like a river that never ends. I also pray that the "material" things in life will cease to out weigh the Spiritual, meaningful, loving, caring, and most important things in life. I've seen 84 years of a woman's life become reduced to material things. I've seen a family divided in anger, bitterness, and hatred. I've seen a Grandmother take her final breath, and be called to heaven. I've seen the miracles than can come only through faith, love, hope and prayer. I've watched as loved ones once gathered at her bedside to pray. I've seen all these things and more, and yet wonder why. Why, is there so much anger? Why.. is there not peace among brothers and sisters? Why do we call ourselves Christians, and yet our walk and our talk say something else? Why do we not practice what we preach? and WHY do we not love one another enough? Today, I love, feel, hope, pray, have enough faith and love to share with everyone.