Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hidden Messages????

My Grandma, "Mam", has been on my mind alot recently as well as one of the songs that was sung at her funeral. The song is titled "In The Garden", and it's an old southern gospel hymn, but it's beautiful....
My mom and Mam had a conversation one day while she was still in the hospital about one of the times she "coded" or died while in the hospital, and Mam made the statement that "She was in the big beautiful garden all by herself and she didn't know why" Well for those of you who have never heard the song, I encourage you to YouTube Alan Jackson's version of the song and listen to the lyrics..... hopefully you'll be as amazed as I was when I truly sat down and listened to the words of the song, and now when I think about this song and it's words, not only do I picture my Grandmother walking and talking with Jesus, but I also have a picture in my mind of a little girl and a Father walking hand in hand in this vast, open, beautiful garden together both headed for an even greater place

"And the joy we share, as we tarry there, none other has ever known."