Thursday, September 8, 2011

My take..

Sometimes I sit and think, "If only I could make this person see the wrong they are doing to themselves and to others, and if only they could see how great and powerful God really is." Obviously I ponder these things because I'm trying to change someone, or someone's actions, or thoughts, but what I should be focusing on is praying for that person and their needs, not mine.
I have prayed for these things, and despite trying to make a serious Christian effort, honestly, for the greater good that's at work in all of our lives, the cold hard truth is that some people either don't want to change, or they may change their "horrible" ways for awhile and then fall back into the life style they were living before.
I was raised with my Mom always doing for others, complaining about it sometimes, but never stopping to tell that person, "Hey! That's not cool!" or something like that. So in a way, I too became this way. It wasn't until recently, when I had to "break ties" with an old friend, that I realized that I had been putting our "friendship" before my own family's needs.
Needless to say, my eyes had been opened, and very wide!
My point is, sometimes there comes a point where you can only help or be there for someone so many times before their burdens take over your life (if you allow it) and you have to (sometimes) cut ties with them, and just pray and hope that one day they will be in a better, more positive point in their life.
I'm no saint! LOL, but when someone, anyone, affects you, your life in a negative manner, then I think it's time to "let go" and wish, no, pray for the best!

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